
Hi, guys! 今日は寿司の話はしませんよ(笑) 海外で暮らすのってやっぱり現地に自分の生活を合わせてあげる 事が大切ですよね! オーストラリアで買ったシャンプー達がですね。。 見事に私の頭皮をおかしくしてくれました(笑) 強かったのかも。。 そこで! 病…

The biginnng

Olá! 昨日は10時間半ロールを巻いていました。単純計算で600本以上巻いていることになります(笑) 実は私とロールは結構長い付き合いになります。 今日はその話ですね。 ポルトガルでの太巻き外交の話! 実は私、就活のESの特技のとこに、太巻き作り って書…

Street art ? 落書き?革新?

Hey guys! The Olympics of Rio finally comes to an end. I didn't see any game though... The opening and close ceremony was super facsinating. I felt the impact and dynamism of Brasilian culture. まあ、英語で書いてもいいんですが、 日本語でw…


Hey guys! Do you know the Pop singer called "SIA" She is abosolutely genius . Her songs gave me so much inspireation. One of the her song which moves me most is "Alive" well, well, well When do you guys feel alive ?? It seems tough and vag…

Plaque ってなんやねん!

だいぶ久しぶりの感じw みなさんBom dia! Portugirlmomoは先週週7で働いたため、2日間の休みを頂いていました! 私的に中休みが入るとなんかリズムが崩れるから、あんまり連休いらないかな。。 休みといいましても、インターンの仕事で2日間 ほぼ外回って終…


みなさんこんにちは! 今週は週7でお仕事が入っているので、週も後半でげっそりです。 Olá Bom dia a Todos! 今日はPortugirlmomoのポル語勉強方法をちょっと書きたいと思います! 私のポルトガル語はPortuguês europeu ヨーロッパのポル語なんです。 ブラジ…


Bom dia! 今日はバイト前に私のインターンのお話をします。 今、私がインターンさせて頂いているARTilleryていうのはAmnestyのグループの一つでアートイベントを通して、Human rightsをより幅広いく共有していこう!というグループです。 私の心に響いたのが…


今はローカルレストラン2つでキッチンとウエイトレスのお仕事してます。 今日はウエイトレスのお話します 写真ないけど。。。 Interview通っても、トライアル期間の2週間は時給10ドルで、まず自分のスキルを見られて、生き残れるかどうかが決まるんです。…


ブログ更新遅れてしまいました。 以前、東京で外国人の方のリアルなTOKYO LIFE のお金の話しましたよね。 では、では。オーストラリアでワーホリするの一体いくらかかるんですか?ってとこ 細かーく紹介してみたいと思います。 <オーストラリア準備編> ビザ…


Interview No.32 from Amstrerdam ①Yes,Sony Camera ② Safe, convenient, but I prefer car made in Germany ! 昨日、仕事終わりのカフェでお友達できた! アムステルダムで小児科のお医者さんされてる方なの 気づいたら2時間くらいカフェで話しちゃったかな…


小さい時、お父さんはなんで疲れても、大変な顔見せずに毎日仕事行けるのかな? って思ってました。 電車のサラリーマンのおっさんもなんで暑くてもスーツ着て毎日頑張れるんだろって(笑) 今は彼らの気持ちが少しづつ、なんだかわかってきた気がします。 そ…


どんな時でも、自分のこと信じてくれて、応援してくれる人が 世界に一人でもいるってほんと、幸せよね。 それだけで、毎朝頑張ろう!って思えるんだな。 あ、仕事 2つ目決まりましたー 昨日 interview 2本やってたんだよね(笑) 忙しかったわけね。 早朝結果…

Timor-Leste em Brisbane

Olá! Depois de começar a viver em Austrália, Senti a minha atividade de leitura da língua portuguesa .....não melhorou. Pois! Hoje queria escrever em português! Hoje encontrei um amigo do Timor-Leste. Ele comprou-me o jantar.... Muito obru…


Hi! Two weeks or more have passed since I arrived Australia . And now I don't know why but I'm super busy. Two weeks ago my schedule was totally empty ..but now my life have changed dramatically. This wold is so unfair. Racism, Gender, Reg…

Defying Gravity

Defying Gravity Sometimes I feel the gravity upon my shoulders. It's so heavy. But today, I experienced extraordinary moment. I cold feel that I was totally free from everything around me. Even gravity. Capoeira is traditional martial art …


Good afternoon, guys. I was pretty busy last week. Today's theme is Coincidence. I met her at South Bank. She is a artist as well. But actually I've met her on Gold Coast before. This picture is so special to me. At this moment, I realized…

It's time

So this is what you meant When you said that you were spent And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit Right to the top Don't hold back Packing my bags and giving the academiy a rain-check I don't ever wanna let you down I don't…


Finalmente Portugal tornou o campeão de Euro 2016 Estava super feliz ao conhece esta notícia ontem da manhã ! Nunca recebi o melhor presente do meu aniversário. Por mim, o Cristiano Ronaldo é o meu herói. Decidi estudar Portguês depois de …

Razões # Motivações

Olá! Estou um bocado cansada porque visitei "Gold Coast" ontem. O que é que preciso agora é divertir, não é? Tive interesse pelo local. Isto é adequado para trabalhar ou estudar ? Minha resposta....Talvez OK. Suffer's paradice foi o local …


Bom dia! hoje levantei-me às 4:00 da manhã . Não pude dormir ontem por causa de ronco das raparugas do mesmo quarto. Nunca ouvi ronco tão balhulente... Mas por casa delas..tirei esta foto. O contraste do céu e sol foi maravilhosa. Fiquei …


Please try to read this article first! http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/kaoru-kawai/bangladesh-terrorism_b_10825086.html I'm sorry, This article is in Japanese. I couldn't find another version. This is about the terrorism occurred in Banglades…

Girl on Fire

Tenho tempo suficiente para escrever mais um artigo! Ontem fui ao restaurante asiático com o meu advisor. Isto é o arroz fritado de maresia. Foi super picante mas muito saboroso. My tongue was on fire . O molho foi um bocado doce. Isto é b…


Today, I' d like to write abou my interview.. Of curse, I have specific purpose for doing the interview. I considered the content of my interview .... Well, I realized simples one is better. Question 1 where are you from? Question2 Do you …

Something blue

Hey guys! Today is super nice wether in Brisbane. After creating bank acount I'm at South Bank now. It took only 15 minutes to open bank account. How quickly! It's totally different from Portuguese bank. It took 6 months to receive cash ca…

Happy Sunday

Hi guys! Now I'm in Australia! Today I feel like writing in English. Home sick.... Any way, How to get over home sick? there is one way to solve. talk talk and talk. I took part in free Brisbane city tour . it's one of events of YHA at whi…


When I find myself in times Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, Let it be, let it be Let it be, let it be, Whispe…


I'm sorry for late for uploading this blog. I got an interesting coment on my last post.It was question related with Japanese "Reikin" system. Firstly I'd love to answer this question.Sometimes translation makes me crazy because I can't fi…

Japanese apartment rental system

Hey Guys! Today's topic is Japanese apartment rental system . For foreigners , understanding this system is so important but complicated as well. But don't worry! Even for me it was super difficult. So let's start! First of all, living in …


Globalization is the international phenomenon.We cannot escape from this influence. But today's main topic is "Non -Verbalization"The definition of Verbalization is to express in words. But what about "Non -Verbalization"? Actually I don't…


Olá! Today I feel like writing in Poruguese. But today's topic is my grandmother. hoje queria escrever sobre minha avó outra vez. Ela sempre ensina-me as coisas importantes. Ela recebeu um iPad como presente do dia da mãe. Achei que ele nã…